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5 Steps for Keeping the Claims Coming

How to Make Your Claims Manager Happy

As a Claims Manager I see many different claims every day. On a day to day basis I see every array of claim you can imagine from the simple hail claim to One Million dollar commercial losses. All these claims have one thing in common, detail. Many new adjusters fail in this category almost every single time.

Most new adjusters do not understand the importance of going into detail with photos, reports, receipts, etc. If you, are like most new adjusters, you really have not had a lot of training on how things should be done. There are many different training options out there and some are better than others.

Here are 5 items that will make the Claims Manager want all claims sent to you.

  1. Ahead of Schedule When you are a new adjuster the best thing you can do is turn your work in quickly. It is ok if you make mistakes, because the file is not late. As long as you can get the errors fixed and turned around quickly the claims manager will be ok with that. Just because you have 7 days to turn in the claim does not mean you need to take all that time. The first thing they look at when rating adjusters is time lines! If you are always late or turning yours in on the 7th day every time, then you will eventually get moved lower on the list because someone is doing it faster and better. I would much rather have a new adjuster that needs a little help that turns their claims in early than a pro that is always late!
  2. Following Guidelines Most firms will provide you with guidelines for the specific carrier you are working for and guidelines on how the claim should be formatted. I have found that many new adjusters do not read the guidelines given and turn in a product based on what they think should be there. There is nothing more frustrating than returning a claim for corrections than the claim where estimate is perfect, but the adjuster did not format the billing, loss report, etc correctly. You must read the guidelines you are given. If you do not get them, call and ask how they want it. Get it right the first time.
  3. Photos As a new adjuster you should be taking too many photos. Until you learn exactly what they want you should have photos of everything. Many new adjusters have to make second trips out to losses on their own dime because they did not take enough photos. Again, you should receive guidelines from the firm on how they want it. If not, you need to speak with the claims manger before you go to make sure you get what is needed. This is the most common mistake for new adjusters.  Your photos must tell the story. One good rule is, if you have enough photos then you would not even need a report to explain the estimate.
  4. Detailed Reports Every firm and carrier has a specific loss report or narrative they want to accompany the claim. These reports must explain everything in detail so there are no questions. This is very common with new adjusters. The reports are extremely important from what time and who you inspected the loss with to there being any potential for subrogation. That report must be able to stand in a court of law.
  5. Willingness To Learn You may have 10 years experience or 2 months experience, but if you do not want to learn, it does not help. Some carriers and some firms are very particular with how they want things done. If you are not willing to learn their way then you will be out the door quickly. Just recently I had to let go an adjuster that had been with us for over 3 years, because he wanted to change the way things are done. If you have an idea to improve something then it is ok to ask or make a suggestion, but do not just make changes to the way you do it and expect a Claims Manger to be happy with it. Most of the time the claims managers hand are tied because the carrier wants it that way. It may not be the most efficient way of doing it, but it this case it is the only way!

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